Participatory performance about the body for children 6+
and their adult companions

With PELLE we invite children and adults to discover the body together in a playful way. It is an interactive performance, addressing the topics of intimacy, proximity, care and respect, that you can experience through touch.

A possibility to slip into someone else’s skin and a plaidoyer for a meaningful human contact in a technology-focused and increasingly disconnected world.

In PELLE the children take over the reins and lead the adults into a space, in which they find three blindfolded dancers in a scenery of skin-like objects. Through a common movement game, suspending the borders between the performers and the audience, we try to imagine how our life would look like if we were more aware of what our bodies and the bodies around us need.

The body is the protagonist of PELLE. It is also a medium, allowing us to take a closer look at the relation between children and grown-ups. In an intimate atmosphere, we investigate touch as a means of communication, giving us the opportunity to go offline, tune-in and enjoy our time together as a temporary community.

“Pelle” opens up pre-linguistic worlds with mute and tender offerings: we sit in circles on artificial skins close together, as if we had never been strangers.

… Zinola hat wieder gezaubert.

by Alfredo Zinola
with: Tatiana Saphir, Felipe González, Alfredo Zinola
Dramaturgy: Mateusz Szymanówka
Visuals: Moran Sanderovich
Light: Marek Lamprecht
Production: Micaela Kühn Jara
Thanks to: Geraldine Gau

A production by: Alfredo Zinola with tanzhaus nrw supported by Take-off: Junger Tanz and HochX Theatre and Live Arts.

Funded by: Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW and Kunststiftung NRW. Supported by Tanztendenz München.

Practical Info:

  • 3 Persons on tour + 1 technical personel
  • 6 hours set-up
  • The performance can be adapted to spaces with various sizes as well as to non-theatrical spaces
  • Age of the audience: 6+, the performance is aimed at an audience of children and the adults that accompany them


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